Thursday, November 5, 2009

Green Hookah Hose - Replacement Hoses

Small GREEN Hose For Hookah Shisha
We provides you with the best hoses out. We strive to be the best, therefore we bring you only the best. Our Hookah hoses are great in strength, great flow, length, and style. Choose which one you like and Enjoy your Smoke! A shisha or hookah water pipe, or as I like to call it the shisha hookah, is an ancient tradition from the middle east where friends congregate to socialise, meet family or do business with a water pipe. When a smoker inhales on a water pipe air passes down heated by the shisha coal and burns flavoured tobacco inside the bowl creating smoke. The smoke continues downwards through the body and into the Hookah Accessories vase where it is filtered by water. Ice or other liquids can be used in the vase to filter the tobacco to add to the Tobacco flavour and make it smoother. Smoke collects in the vase and the smoker inhales.

Small GREEN Hose For Hookah ShishaSmall GREEN Hose For Hookah ShishaSmall GREEN Hose For Hookah Shisha

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